
Build brand equity and visibility through our simplified but effective approach to public relations and corporate communications.

From managing day-to-day communications to tackling complex media and PR moments, Anderson Collaborative is the perfect firm to help you elevate your visibility and awareness.

Our agency offers a wide variety of public relations services with our most popular being our press release distribution and outreach package. This package is a straightforward, disruptive, and very methodical approach that most public relations firms charge massive ongoing retainers for.

If you’re looking to elevate your brand’s visibility online and produce tangible media that you can leverage in your marketing efforts and showcase on your website, you’ve come to the right team.

Want us to build a customized PR strategy for you? Let’s get started


Our public relations and corporate communications offering includes

  • Press Releases

    Perfect your messaging to the media with expertly-written content. We package together your top news to position you as an authoritative leader in your industry. Easy-to-read yet compelling, we make sure reporters know the important points.

  • Media List Building

    We research the top local and national journalists writing about your beat and understand who their readers are. With a calculated approach, we secure media placements to the audience that matters most.

  • Targeted Pitching

    Pitching is an art and we understand how to separate ourselves from the pack. With journalists receiving hundreds of emails per day, we know how to make yours stand out with crafted pitches that land us the story.

  • Newswire Distribution & Syndication

    We syndicate your distribution directly to more than 4,000 websites, 3,000+ media outlets, 550 news content systems, and an exclusive media-only community of 20,000+ journalists to get you featured immediately in high-profile mainstream media outlets.

  • Monitored Reporting

    Results speak for themselves which is why we want you to see yours. We deliver daily reports of new media placements and budding interview opportunities. All clients receive access to analytics on their PR pickups and we make sure no publication or interview opportunity falls through the cracks.

  • SEO & Web Integration

    Your new media placements aren’t just for clout! Each digital article helps extend the reach of your online presence. Google search results for your brand name will now include links direct to press pickups and will push down any unwanted search results. Leverage your new articles on your website and include new sections such as “as seen on” or “in the press.”


Enhance public perception of your brand with authoritative press that impresses your target audience

  • Media Training

    Never been in front of a camera? No problem. We coach you to ensure you’re hitting all the right talking points while looking good! We also offer real-time training for phone as well as email etiquette interviews.

  • Social Media Operation

    Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter: you name it. We offer full operational support on social media accounts from daily posts to crafting content to running paid advertisements. We also use a specialized approach to grow your following in the digital world.

  • Spokesperson Branding

    We’ll handle all the nitty-gritty while you sit back and do what you’re skilled at: running a business. Let us take the media interviews, outside inquiries and complicated questions.

  • Influencer Negotiation & Affiliate

    As a full-service agency, we can help you develop a successful guerilla influencer or affiliate marketing strategy with analytics to understand each personality/publication’s impact on your bottom line.

Let’s do something creative. Let’s get started

Beyond the impact they have made by doing great work for us, they truly care about our organization and want us to succeed.
Client Since 2019