2020 Community Projects
Using Our Resources To Help Promote Meaningful Causes
One of our core company tenants is providing our clients with tangible results that leave their business better than we found it through the use of data-driven online marketing solutions. There are countless incredible causes and charities being formed across the world that need these same strategies to help get the word out but simply cannot afford the expense. We’ve made the decision as a company to help with this by allocating our resources to provide one of the following services free of charge to a charity/cause during each financial quarter:
Community Project Details
Does the cause have to be local?
Being our innagural year we would prefer that the causes we select are based in the South Florida area. That being said we are very open to selecting causes from across the world! The cause that we work with (if not local) does need to be willing to communicate via long-distance mediums during our project.
How do websites help charities?
What kind of causes can you help most?
Great question! The ideal cause for us to help is something that engages volunteers/shares their message online. This could be causes that need a website where they could collect fund-raising or marketing campaigns to get the word out.
How can charities take advantage of online marketing?
Online marketing is an incredibly effective way to get the word out for a cause due to targeting, ease of access, etc. We work closely with Google and they offer incredible benefits and free services to non-profits including Google Advertising grants, free email setup, and more.
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